American students immerse themselves in Moroccan Jewish culture

On October 8, 2024, AJM received around ten students from various American universities at its premises in Rabat, as part of their visit to Morocco organized by the American NGO AMIDEAST. This meeting was led by Professor Mohcine Elahmadi, responsible for student activities during their stay in Morocco. For approximately 4 hours, the students were introduced to Judeo-Moroccan culture. The pages of history, traditions, music, gastronomy, Jewish holidays, were abundantly explained and widely debated. The students’ curiosity and interest in Moroccan Judaism particularly enriched the debates. The meeting ended around a snack during which discussions continued between the students, their professor and the members of AJM.

À propos d'AJM

L’association « les Amis du Judaïsme Marocain A.J.M. » à but non lucratif, a été créée en 2016 par un groupe de citoyens marocains juifs et musulmans animés par le devoir de mémoire envers une communauté juive marocaine deux fois millénaire, aujourd’hui pratiquement disparue sur le territoire national. Cette association œuvre pour la péservation du patrimoine juif marocain matériel et immatériel. Elle s’attache à faire connaître aux marocains d’aujourd’hui, au Maroc comme à l’étranger, la culture judéo-marocaine et sa place dans l’histoire nationale. La promotion de l’image d’un Maroc moderne, multiculturel, tolérant est aussi l’un de ses objectifs.