Preservation and promotion
of the Judeo-Moroccan heritage

Discover AJM, a Moroccan non-profit association dedicated to preserving Jewish heritage and promoting inter-cultural dialogue through cultural events, educational projects and national and international collaboration.

About us

Who are we?

The non-profit association ‘Les Amis du Judaïsme Marocain A.J.M.’ was founded in 2016 by a group of Moroccan Jews and Muslims motivated by a duty of remembrance towards a Moroccan Jewish community that dates back two thousand years and has now virtually disappeared from the national territory. The association works to preserve the tangible and intangible Jewish heritage of Morocco. It strives to raise awareness among Moroccans today, both in Morocco and abroad, of Moroccan-Jewish culture and its place in national history. Promoting the image of a modern, multicultural and tolerant Morocco is also one of its objectives.

AJM in the Press

The AJM’s efforts to preserve the Jewish-Moroccan heritage have been covered by various national and international media.

Our activities

Our Initiatives and Programmes

Discover the initiatives of AJM, an association dedicated to the preservation of Jewish-Moroccan heritage. Take part in our cultural events, educational projects and restoration of historic sites to promote intercultural dialogue.

Our partners

Discover our partners

We work with cultural and educational institutions around the world to preserve and promote Moroccan-Jewish heritage.

News & Events

Latest News and Events

Keep up to date with the latest news from the AJM and find out about our upcoming events, such as Jewish Days, conferences, and rehabilitation projects to celebrate and preserve Jewish-Moroccan heritage.

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Contact us

To contact us

Contact the AJM if you would like more information, to work with us or to find out more about our projects to preserve Jewish-Moroccan heritage. We are available by email, telephone or via our social networks.
The association regularly organizes study trips for around twenty young Jews of Moroccan origin living abroad and keen to learn about the country of their ancestors in all its political, economic, social, cultural and religious aspects.
The association regularly organizes information meetings for Moroccans around the world and citizens of host countries about today’s Morocco,
with its realities and challenges.
Every year, the Association organizes “Jewish Days” in various towns across the Kingdom, a series of cultural activities (conferences, visits to places of worship, film screenings, concerts, shows, exhibitions, etc.) to promote Jewish- Moroccan culture.
The association maintains close relations throughout the world with its own members and with other associations, libraries, museums and philanthropic organizations with a similar inte- rest in Moroccan Judaism.
The association works with the Moroccan Ministry of Education to introduce elements of Moroccan-Jewish culture into the Ministry’s official curricula. The association organizes training seminars on Jewish-Moroccan culture,
as well as school visits to places where Jews are present (synagogues, community centers, cemeteries, etc.).
The association is involved in publishing books
and visual and audiovisual media.
The association promotes and leads numerous projects
to restore places of Jewish presence in Morocco.
The Association produces shows for the general public
(plays, musicals, concerts) and confe- rences in line with its aims.
The association organizes interactive online Hebrew courses,
in partnership with the University of Haifa’s School of Tourism.