The A.J.M. strengthens the transmission of Moroccan-Jewish culture through a three-day training seminar in Tangiers and Asilah

The seminar organised by the Association des Amis du Judaïsme Marocain (A.J.M.) took place over three days, on 28, 29 and 30 April, in the Moroccan cities of Tangier and Asilah. This training programme, supported by USAID and the High Atlas Foundation and in collaboration with the Jewish Community of Tangier, was designed to meet the demand from schools wishing to organise visits to places of Jewish presence.

Day 1: Introduction and immersion in Moroccan-Jewish culture

Welcome to the eight young Moroccan participants and presentation of the purpose of the seminar.

Introduction to Jewish-Moroccan history and culture.

Guided tour of a museum in Asilah to discover artefacts and exhibitions relating to Moroccan Jewish heritage.


Day 2: Practical training in the field

Practical workshops in Tangier, where participants learn how to guide visitors around a synagogue, explaining its importance and functions.

Visit to a ritual bath (Mikvé) in Asilah, where participants are taught about the practices and significance of this place in Jewish life.

Discover a traditional bread oven and its role, and a cemetery, while learning about funeral rites.


Day 3: Refresher course and assessment

Educational sessions on the different stages of the Jewish life cycle (birth, Bar mitzvah, marriage, death) and on certain holidays in the Hebrew calendar.

Assessment of the knowledge acquired by the participants through an exam and practical exercises.

Presentation of certificates attesting to the knowledge acquired after passing the exam, in the presence of leaders of the Tangier Jewish community.

Throughout the seminar, emphasis was placed on preserving the memory of the Moroccan Jewish community and promoting a modern and tolerant Morocco. Participants are encouraged to share what they have learned, thereby helping to educate and raise public awareness of Morocco’s rich cultural heritage.

À propos d'AJM

L’association « les Amis du Judaïsme Marocain A.J.M. » à but non lucratif, a été créée en 2016 par un groupe de citoyens marocains juifs et musulmans animés par le devoir de mémoire envers une communauté juive marocaine deux fois millénaire, aujourd’hui pratiquement disparue sur le territoire national. Cette association œuvre pour la péservation du patrimoine juif marocain matériel et immatériel. Elle s’attache à faire connaître aux marocains d’aujourd’hui, au Maroc comme à l’étranger, la culture judéo-marocaine et sa place dans l’histoire nationale. La promotion de l’image d’un Maroc moderne, multiculturel, tolérant est aussi l’un de ses objectifs.