Discover the Agadir Jewish Days: to celebrate Amazigh Judeo-Moroccan culture

The Journées Juives d’Agadir, an enchanting festival held from 16 to 18 March 2023, celebrates Amazigh-Jewish-Moroccan culture: a captivating journey through discoveries, conferences, screenings and cultural visits, highlighting Amazigh and Saharan Judaism. Participants experienced a total immersion in Morocco’s Amazigh-Jewish culture, with lectures by renowned experts on Southern Judaism, housing and trades in the Amazigh and Saharan Jewish environment, offering unique insights into the tradition of this region.

Discovering and sharing

Guided tours of the Agadir Synagogue, learning the rites of Shabbat and tasting the traditional meal La Dafina, film screenings to give a better understanding of the life of Jewish Moroccans. The closing ceremony paid tribute to the late Simon Lévy, and was followed by a concert of Amazigh music and Ahwach dances led by the Aziz Ozouss group, accompanied by the talented Israeli singer Lala Tamar. A cocktail reception rounded off this cultural celebration in style. An exciting programme.

Day 1 – Thursday 16 March 2023

With lectures on Judaism in the South, the archaeological digs at Aguerd and Tagadirt, led by Saghir Mabrouk and David Goeury, and a lecture on housing and trades in the Amazigh and Saharan Jewish environment, presented by Salima Naji.

Day 2 – Friday 17 March 2023

With the screening of the film “Marocains Juifs, destins contrariés” by Younes Laghrari, followed by a debate and the presentation of the fresco “Une Histoire Juive du Maroc” by Mickael Sicsu. The guided tour of the Agadir synagogue that followed was a great success.

Day 3 – Saturday, March 18, 2023

With a visit to the Kasbah Oufella in Agadir, with its panoramic view over Agadir, and a presentation of its renovation by Salima Naji, monument architect. A traditional Shabbat lunch with its Dafina, accompanied by a presentation of the sabbatical ritual, then a festive closing evening with a tribute to the late Simon Levy, a concert of Amazigh music and Ahwach dances, crowned by a rich cocktail reception. The Agadir Jewish Days 2023 was an unforgettable experience, offering participants the opportunity to immerse themselves in Moroccan Judeo-Amazigh culture and celebrate its unique heritage. Stay tuned for more AJM events that will transport you to the heart of this rich tradition.

À propos d'AJM

L’association « les Amis du Judaïsme Marocain A.J.M. » à but non lucratif, a été créée en 2016 par un groupe de citoyens marocains juifs et musulmans animés par le devoir de mémoire envers une communauté juive marocaine deux fois millénaire, aujourd’hui pratiquement disparue sur le territoire national. Cette association œuvre pour la péservation du patrimoine juif marocain matériel et immatériel. Elle s’attache à faire connaître aux marocains d’aujourd’hui, au Maroc comme à l’étranger, la culture judéo-marocaine et sa place dans l’histoire nationale. La promotion de l’image d’un Maroc moderne, multiculturel, tolérant est aussi l’un de ses objectifs.