Discovering the Judeo-Moroccan heritage: An educational exploration for pupils at the Lycée André-Malraux

During the 2023 school year, the Association des Amis du Judaïsme Marocain (A.J.M.) had the privilege of welcoming pupils from the Lycée André-Malraux in Rabat for a fascinating immersion in Moroccan-Jewish heritage. This educational initiative was made possible thanks to a fruitful collaboration between the AJM and the school.


For three unforgettable days, from 2 to 4 June, the students had the opportunity to visit several towns in northern Morocco, including Asilah, Tangiers and Tetouan. Accompanied by active members of the Tangier Jewish community and AJM staff, they explored ancient places of worship, cemeteries, ritual baths and hammams. These places, with their rich and evocative history, allowed visitors to immerse themselves in Jewish-Moroccan culture.


The experience was not only instructive but also moving for these young pupils, who were introduced to the profound meaning of the ‘Shabbat’ and discovered the way of life of the Jewish population in Morocco, once abundant but now almost extinct.


Feedback from the participants testifies to the profound impact of this educational visit. Some students expressed surprise at discovering that the Jewish presence in Morocco dates back 2,000 years. The Rabbi’s speech was particularly moving, and the synagogues, from their decorative diversity to their simplicity, left a strong impression. The delicious sandwiches and the lessons learned from this expedition left an indelible mark on everyone.


This exploration of Moroccan Jewish heritage does not stop there. Buoyed by the success of this first experience, the educational team plans to repeat this adventure during the 2023-2024 school year, offering new pupils a unique opportunity to discover and appreciate the cultural and historical wealth of Moroccan Judaism. Each stage of this journey was a page of history turned, and this is just the beginning of a journey to preserve and share a precious national heritage.

À propos d'AJM

L’association « les Amis du Judaïsme Marocain A.J.M. » à but non lucratif, a été créée en 2016 par un groupe de citoyens marocains juifs et musulmans animés par le devoir de mémoire envers une communauté juive marocaine deux fois millénaire, aujourd’hui pratiquement disparue sur le territoire national. Cette association œuvre pour la péservation du patrimoine juif marocain matériel et immatériel. Elle s’attache à faire connaître aux marocains d’aujourd’hui, au Maroc comme à l’étranger, la culture judéo-marocaine et sa place dans l’histoire nationale. La promotion de l’image d’un Maroc moderne, multiculturel, tolérant est aussi l’un de ses objectifs.